Friday, November 11, 2011


have you ever wonder how this oversize woman can be soooo damn pretty stylish? The answer is confident. If you feel confident in what you do, what youre wearing, then u should be fine. But above all this, how you carried yourself in those dress. Once I saw her blog, I fall for her already. If you may ask whose inspire me to be outstanding in my fashion, my answer always be Lady Gaga her. Here some previews from her blog;

Pictures credited to Georgina Doull

See, she is perfect isnt she? So, if you are fat, please kindly not to wear leggings without any skirt, it'll turnout to be fugly. And remember, please not to wear any dress that the size wasnt fit you at all. It'll turnout to be fuckinfugly then. If you have any argument on having dress for a day, you can always refer to her blog. Lucky enough that i'm not a girl. If imma girl, then she might have a competition. sowhatchawaitingfor?

and have fun.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

the Black is Backkkkk

Who says you’re not star potential
Who says you’re not presidential
Who says you can’t be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me
Who says you don’t pass the test
Who says you can’t be the best
Who said, who said
Won’t you tell me who said that

ps. See sape kata Rebecca Black tak boleh nyanyi?? Who said? (okay, yang who said who said ni lagu si anak Gomez tu ya)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Swap Je Visa Mak

Tadi pagi ada dengar radio Hitz
dorang cakap pasal
Selena Gomez pegi makan dengan Wafi Bieber Justin Bieber
Masa nak bayar, Selena macam nak pegang tangan Bieber
pastu Selena terus mencapai credit card Bieber
dan mensetelkan bil itu.

okay, tu aku boleh tahan la.
yang aku tak leh nak tahan kan,
Si DJ tu : What? how come? Dia belum cukup umur. I guess that was supplementary from his mom. KEPALA HOOO!!!

okay la, tak la kelakar pun
bergeracau okay, bergeracau aku gelak dalam kereta tu sorang2

lepas tu aku nampak ada satu pasangan ni
naik moto
lelaki kat depan pompuan kat belakang
pastu kan
lelaki tu pakai jaket terbalik (yang didepan dikebelakangankan)
ala yang macam orang2 moto selalu buat tu
pastu jaket lelaki tu macam terjatuh2 tau
pastu kan perempuan tu
tarik jaket tu biar terletak kat bahu lelaki tu
sweet tak? sweet kan?
aku macam tersentuh gitu dengan mereka
tapi memang
cerita motor ni memang takde kene mengena dengan Justin Bieber

ps.Nak beli motor la pasni. Nak bawak awek pastu nak pakai jaket terbalik. bye.